jQuery Gridder

A jQuery plugin that displays a thumbnail grid expanding preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images.

Brought to you by www.oriongunning.com


                            <!-- Gridder navigation -->
                            <ul class="gridder">

                                 <!-- You can load specify which content is loaded by specifying the #ID of the div where the content is  -->
                                <li class="gridder-list" data-griddercontent="#content1">
                                    <img src="https://placehold.it/600x400" />
                                <li class="gridder-list" data-griddercontent="#content2">
                                    <img src="https://placehold.it/600x400" />
                                <li class="gridder-list" data-griddercontent="#content3">
                                    <img src="https://placehold.it/600x400" />

                                <!-- You can also load html/ajax pages by replacing the #ID with a URL -->
                                <li class="gridder-list" data-griddercontent="/content.html">
                                    <img src="https://placehold.it/600x400" />

                            <!-- Gridder content -->
                            <div id="content1" class="gridder-content"> Content goes here... </div>
                            <div id="content2" class="gridder-content"> Content goes here... </div>
                            <div id="content3" class="gridder-content"> Content goes here... </div>

Options Available

                            // Call Gridder
                                scroll: true,
                                scrollOffset: 30,
                                scrollTo: "panel", // panel or listitem
                                animationSpeed: 400,
                                animationEasing: "easeInOutExpo",
                                showNav: true, // Show Navigation
                                nextText: "", // Next button text
                                prevText: "", // Previous button text
                                closeText: "", // Close button text
                                onStart: function () {
                                    //Gridder Inititialized
                                    console.log('On Gridder Initialized...');
                                onContent: function () {
                                    //Gridder Content Loaded
                                    console.log('On Gridder Expand...');
                                onClosed: function () {
                                    //Gridder Closed
                                    console.log('On Gridder Closed...');


Basic Example

This is the most basic form of using jQuery Gridder.




External Plugins

How to use external plugins in expanded content.

Just simply fire the external plugins in the onContent event.

        onContent: function () {
            $('.carousel').carousel(); // FIRE YOUR EXTERNAL PLUGIN, COULD BE ANYTHING.